Service order software

News and Information

Do you still manage your service calls or work orders using paper forms or a notebook? With, you can stop worrying about paper work orders getting lost, delayed, or worse, never even billed! See video (2024-09-13)

You can now add checklists to your work orders or quotes. Your technicians or agents can then simply check off each item on the list that has been completed. See the Checklist section of the documentation for more information. (2024-08-12)

It's now even easier to enter technician travel information on work orders. You can now enter mileage directly when adding work performed to a work order. (2024-05-07)

It is now more user-friendly to type numbers, amounts and durations using your smartphone or tablet. In fact, a numeric keyboard is now displayed on screen instead of the standard keyboard. Access the online help for more details. (2024-04-16)

NewWaySERVICE is a progressive web app (PWA). Unlike native apps, you can run NewWaySERVICE using any web browser on any device, whether iOS, macOS, Android, Windows, Linux or other, without any prior installation. More info about progressive web app at Wikipedia (2024-03-28)

When you create a new technician, the technician can be automatically notified by email. All he/she has to do is click a link to access and choose its password. An icon can even be automatically added to its desktop or home screen. (2024-03-12)

A new option Application Log is now available. This option can be very useful for checking what really happened, for example, with a work order or any email sent. See the documentation for more information. (2024-03-07)

We have been particularly busy these last few months. A lot of things have been done on the “backend” side of our software NewWaySERVICE. Not only new servers, but also improvements in the code have been made without forgetting the security which is constantly updated. New improvements are also coming on the client side. Stick around for more information on this. (2024-02-19)

Happy New Year 2024! (2024-01-01)

Happy holidays to our esteemed clients and partners. (2023-12-18)

In-App chat now available. You can now chat with other users, technicians or dispatchers, directly in NewWaySERVICE. You can also exchange files! (2023-04-12)

It is now possible to specify custom tax rates at customer level. Very useful to automatically adjust tax on work orders according to customer type or region. Refer to html documentation for more information about tax rates (2023-01-23)

We wish you all the best for the new year 2023! Thank you for using our software. (2023-01-10)

We wish you and your loved ones a very happy holiday season. From the entire NewWaySERVICE team. (2022-12-09)

A new “Quote/Estimates” module is now available in the application. Quotes are similar to work orders except that the parts entered on them are not subtracted from the inventory. NewWaySERVICE is the perfect software to track and manage your service requests. (2022-11-30)

Several improvements were made to NewWaySERVICE, at the user interface level, but especially on the application server side part. Our servers were also upgraded during the summer for an even better performance. As always, thank you for trusting us and choosing our software. (2022-10-04)

NewWaySERVICE promo video #1. NewWaySERVICE is a work order management software that allows you to track service requests received from your customers. Visit to create your free trial account :-) (2022-03-18)

You can now use user defined fields to filter data directly on screen. This option is available in all modules of the software such as Work Orders, Customers, Equipment, etc. (2022-01-18)

Happy new year 2022! Wishing you and your families all the best in 2022. A warm thank you for using our software NewWaySERVICE. (2022-01-01)

Merry Christmas to all our customers and thank you for using our application NewWaySERVICE. From the entire OroLogic team. (2021-12-22)

The NewWaySERVICE dashboard has been improved with new graphs giving an overview of the status of work orders as well as hours worked. Visit website or create a free trial account at (2021-12-10)

You can now assign a photo to each of your equipment to make their management even easier. (2021-12-01)

Technicians can now receive a reminder for their appointments by email. The email also contains an iCalendar file. With a simple click, the technician could add the appointment to his personal agenda on his or her smartphone, tablet or computer. (2021-11-08)

You can now connect to NewWaySERVICE using your Microsoft or Google account. Indeed, NewWaySERVICE is OpenID Connect compatible. (2021-09-22)

You can now synchronize your data with QuickBooks. Just select the Sync with | QuickBooks menu and follow the easy steps. Customers, suppliers, parts and stock quantities can be sync. Even transfer your work orders into invoices to QuickBooks. (2021-04-20)

Several improvements have been implemented in recent weeks in our work order tracking software. For example, display adapts even better than before on small devices like smartphones. (2021-02-08)

Directly from a workorder, with a simple click of the mouse, you can now reassign the customer assigned to an equipment. This is particularly useful when you are renting equipment and that equipment can change customers often. (2020-11-02)

Other improvements have been added recently. For example, in maintenance schedules for your preventive maintenance, you can now force an appointment date and time even if there is no room in the calendar or even not create appointment at all. (2020-10-01)

When adding a work order, in addition to appointments suggested by the application, you can now directly specify a date and time manually. Of course, it is still possible to access the calendar or appointments or even indicate not to add any appointment at all in the work order. (2020-07-21)

Several improvements have been made to the Calendar of appointments. Views by month, week and day have also been added for those who prefer an "Agenda" style (hours displayed vertically) rather than the "Planning" style (hours displayed horizontally). (2020-07-10)

In order to support businesses in the current context generated by the covid-19, we are pleased to extend the free evaluation period of our software to 90 days. (2020-04-07)

Covid-19 - We’re here for you. We would like to inform you that everything has been done to continue to provide you with the excellent service you are used to. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you. (2020-03-23)

As every month, several improvements have been made to our web application. Continue to submit your suggestions to us! We cannot guarantee that they will all be added, but we guarantee that we take the time to analyze each of them. (2020-01-24)

Merry Christmas to all our clients and thank you for using our software NewWaySERVICE. From the entire OroLogic team. (2019-12-19)

NewWaySERVICE is now 100% responsive! Its user interface adapts no matter the size and orientation of the screen so you can easily access the application using a desktop computer, a tablet or a smartphone which makes it the best solution for both workshop and field technicians. (2019-12-04)

The watermark in the signature is now darker and now located at the top so that it is easier to see. (2019-03-12)

You can now specify parts to be planned or to order in each work order. This facilitates the work of the person responsible for the purchases, since he can easily see parts that have to be ordered. (2019-02-27)

You can now link spare parts with equipment types. So, when entering parts on a work performed in a work order, the application will allow you to choose only among parts linked to the equipment type of the work order. This greatly facilitates the selection of parts in such a case (2019-01-08)

Happy new year 2019! Wishing you and your families all the best in 2019. A warm thank you for using our application NewWaySERVICE. (2019-01-04)

You can now grant access to work orders according to the status of the work order itself. Security flexibility has been greatly improved. (2018-11-06)

A new NewWaySERVICE Start-up Wizard is now available to learn how to use the application in just a few minutes. (2018-09-26)

You can now display user defined fields in grids on screen such as in the list of your customers or workorders just by checking the box "Display in grid" in the configuration of the user defined field. (2018-08-13)

You can now allow your technicians to view and edit billing information (such as labor rates and parts prices) via the Mobile View as well. (2018-06-07)

Several improvements have been implemented in the last few months. Sorry for not telling you here. The application is constantly improving. We will keep you informed of upcoming improvements! Thank you for your cooperation! (2018-03-12)

The speed of our servers has been further improved to allow you to access our application even faster. (2017-10-05)

A new Minimum stock qty field was added in the Parts module to hold the minimum stock level to keep for each part. (2017-08-15)

It is now possible to have up to 20 different statuses and up to 10 different priorities per work order. (2017-08-08)

A new complete user guide has been completely rewritten and is now available via the Help and support section of the application. (2017-08-01)

It is now possible to send e-mail notifications when a bank of hours is about to be empty or to expire. (2017-06-27)

A new option "Quick Reports/Exports" was added. You can now export just about any data into Excel or several other file formats. (2017-05-08)

Tip: User defined fields of different modules (Ex: Customers ->Workorders) can be linked together. Refer to documentation for more info... (2017-04-25)

Appointment display in the Mobile view was completely reviewed and improved. Timers are now also available directly from the list. (2017-04-09)

A new "Timers in progress" tab is now available in the Dashboard. If you have rights, you will even see timers of other technicians. (2017-03-22)

The map is customizable. For example, you can filter information you want to see on screen and even change icons for technicians / customers (2017-01-24)

E-mail Notifications option has been greatly improved. You can now trigger notifications only if certain criteria are met. (2017-01-17)

You can now create a work order without any appointment. This field is now optional. Great if you do not know when to send your technician. (2017-01-10)

The tab "Map" allows you to see in real time where your technicians are located using the GPS in their smartphone. (2017-01-03)

Happy new year! Wishing you and your families all the best in 2017. A warm thank you for using our application NewWaySERVICE. (2016-12-29)

To all of our customers, we wish you have a merry Christmas along with your loved ones. Thank you for choosing us. The OroLogic team! (2016-12-22)

The tab Map (Google Maps ®) allows you to see where are located customers for your appointments. Useful for both technicians and dispatchers (2016-12-08)

It is now possible to disable the main user of the software. Even if it is the one who created the account at the beginning. (2016-08-23)

It is now possible to create work orders without specifying any type of equipment. This field is now optional. (2016-08-17)

You can now sort equipment on screen according to the service contract end date or warranty end date. (2016-07-19)

A preferred technician can be indicated directly in a customer file. This facilitates the management of appointments. (2016-07-12)

It is now possible to specify directly in the customer record to force printing of work orders in a specific language. (2016-07-05)

If you want, your customers can now see the status of their banks of hours via the customer portal. (2016-06-28)

Filters that you apply to filter information on screen now persist even if you disconnect and reconnect from the application. (2016-06-21)

If you want, your customers can now see the list of their work orders from the customer portal. (2016-06-14)

From the dashboard, you can now see at a glance the total of your work orders by status and even of all technicians. (2016-06-07)

The portal for your clients has been improved. You can now decide of what your clients can do or information they can see. (2016-05-31)

You can now display the list of equipment hierarchically. This is very useful for example when equipment is a sub-equipment of another one. (2016-05-24)

New! If you have subcontractors, NewWaySERVICE now allows you to limit data (such as work orders or your customer list) they can access. (2016-02-12)

Merry Christmas and happy new year 2016! We warmly thank you for using, our online service management application. (2015-12-22)

Detailed Google style search allows you to instantly find any work order just by typing some keywords. (2015-10-06)

Enter holidays into the software and automatically, NewWaySERVICE will not suggest any appointments for these days. (2015-09-29)

It is possible to send emails when some events occur, for example when a work order is created or its status changed. (2015-09-22)

You can set up alerts to get notified when the status of a work order has not changed for a while. More info at http:/app./ (2015-09-15)

NewWaySERVICE is a multi-warehouse management software. For example, you can manage inventory of your spare parts per van. (2015-09-08)

You can configure NewWaySERVICE to send alerts when a warranty or service contract is about to end. More info at (2015-09-01)

For each equipment, NewWaySERVICE allows you to keep several information such as warranty and service contract information. (2015-08-25)

NewWaySERVICE allows you to manage your customer's branches. For example, it is very useful to bill performed work to a different customer. (2015-08-18)

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979 Avenue de Bourgogne, Suite 330
Quebec  QC  G1W 2L4
Phone: (1) (418) 524-5066
NewWaySERVICE is a service order software.
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